You may have noticed that there are some new features on the dashboard.

Draw Erosion Count by Zip

• Routes under 1 hour

• Routes over 50 miles

These tools are here to help you evaluate your current route structure. They may help identify particular routes or zip codes for restructure opportunities.

Draw Erosion Count by Zip

Here you will be able to see the Zip codes with the most erosion and the number of routes in those zips. If you hover your mouse over a zip you will see more detailed information about the number of copies year over year.

Routes under 1 hour

Here you can see the number of routes day over day that are under 1 hour. If you hover your mouse over a particular day you can see the number of routes that are under 1 hour.

Routes over 50 miles

Here you can see the number of routes day over day that are over 50 miles long. If you hover your mouse over the grid you will be able to see the detail of which routes have the total miles that are over 50 miles.