
o Geocoding is the process of converting an address into a spatial representation of coordinates in order to find its location on the Earth’s surface.

o The coordinates of a geocoded address are then matched to the attributes within the data in the map.

o All geocoded addresses are given a score of how well they match to the data within the map.

o When the match score is high enough, the address will then be pinned to a place on the map.

o The accuracy of geocoding relies on the quality of the subscriber address information and the data available on the map.

o The majority of addresses are geocoded to the correct place. However, you can manually pin an address if you notice it’s in the wrong place.

Why is Geocoding important?


When accounts are geocoded and pinned correctly to the map, the delivery provider can follow the turn by turn directions, deliver to the right place and properly sequence their route.

This example shows the status of “M” for matched and the score is 100

If an address is geocoded to the wrong place, the directions on the routebook will be incorrect. It may add extra mileage and lead to deliveries being made to the wrong house or not at all.

If pinned to the wrong location, the address can be manually plotted to the map. Click on the “Unpin” icon, go to Final Unmatched Records and manually pin or re-geocode the address to the correct location.

Geocoding (Manually Plotting)

The Final Unmatched list will show all accounts that aren’t pinned. This includes addresses that weren’t pinned and ones you just unpinned.

Select the address and click on the “View” button

This will zoom you to the account on the map

The Blue Pin is a recommended location.

Drag the red pin to the correct location on the map

Once the pin is dropped in the correct location, click on the Save Disk Icon

From here, one of three things will happen:

You’ll see the correct street candidate in this list. (Select the correct one and it will be pinned)

You will not see any correct candidates in the list. (If you know this territory and can illustrate it, send the information through the portal to have the map updated.)

You’ll see partial information on the candidate list but it will be incomplete. (If you know this territory and can illustrate it, send the information through the portal to have the map updated.)


Be sure to select the correct street, range and zip code. If not, the address will be placed on the wrong street and complaints will come in.

After manually pinning, you may need to update sequencing of that address based on its new location on the map.


**If the street is missing from the map, and you have enough information about it, you can send this information to us so we can draw the street into the map for you.


Note: See the Street Template in our solutions knowledgebase in our Support Portal