Kickouts are found in Active Unmatched Repots, Routebooks, Geocoding.


-  A Kickout is an address that is assigned to a route but is not plotted to a place on a map.

-  The subscriber will show on a route but will be placed on top of the routebook and not in sequence order.

-  A Kickout is different from a Wildcard in that a kickout is assigned to a route and cannot plot to a location on a map.  While a wildcard has no route value.

More Information

While it might be assigned to a route, a kickout can't be placed in sequence order because of its location or address information.  It is up to the delivery provider to find the address within their route or delivery territory. 

Before it can be plotted to the map and placed in sequence order, either the address information needs to be corrected or the map needs to be updated.

In some cases, the address can be manually potted to the map using the Geocoding section.

Kickouts are located:

-  Active Unmatched Report within Summary Reports

-  Turn by Turn Routebooks:

On the routebook, a kickout will be placed on the "ADDRESS NOT ROUTED" section of the two column routebook.

Geocoding Page

You can view all of the Kickouts in the Geocoding section.

Fixing a Kickout

Geocoding (Manually Plotting)

Go to the Geocoding section.

Select a route with Kickouts - it will have the number of KO's listed. 

Select "Final Unmatched Records"


Click on the "View" button.  This will zoom you to the account on the map.

The Blue Pin is a recommended location.

Drag the red pin to the correct location on the map.  Click the save button.

Once the pin is dropped in the correct location, click on the Save Disk icon.

You will be presented with street candidates.


Be sure to select the correct street, range and zip code.  If not, the address will be placed on the wrong street and complaints will come in.

Re-matching: Click on the Green Check Mark under "ReGeo"

The system will search for possible candidates that the account would best match based on the address.


Be sure to check all of the attributes of the candidates before selecting.

After selecting the correct candidate, the account will be manually pinned and can be checked under the "Final Manually pinned records"

The account has now been pinned and will be in the correct location and will be in sequence order in the turn by turn directions.